A series of technical posters and presentations is available for download.
Groundwater facts 2017
Latest fact sheets about groundwater resources.
Download PDF 2.17MB.
The cotton story
Acworth, R. I. et al. (2011), The cotton story. Connected waters Initiative , School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia Affiliated with the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training. Download PDF 6.48MB.
Groundwater hydrology at Wellington Caves
Download PDF 568KB.
Hydrogeological Response of the Wellington Caves System to the 2010 Floods
Download PDF 808KB.
Gravity information sheet
Greve, A. (2011), Gravity information sheet. Connected waters Initiative , School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia Affiliated with the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training. Download PDF 492KB.
Investigation of δ18O and δ2H in the Namoi River catchment - surface water/groundwater interactions
Andersen, M. S., Meredith, K., Timms, W. and Acworth, R. I. (2010), 'Investigation of δ18O and δ2H in the Namoi River catchment - surface water/groundwater interactions'. Poster presentation at the 2010 Australian Cotton Conference, Gold Coast, Australia. Download PDF 551KB.
Introducing the NCGRT Centrifuge Permeameter Facility, Sydney, Australia
Timms, W., Whelan, M., Greve, A. and Acworth, I. (2010), 'Introducing the NCGRT Centrifuge Permeameter Facility, Sydney, Australia', Poster presentation at the International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2010, Zurich, Switzerland. Download (981 KB)
Design of an Advanced Hydraulics Experiment to Simulate Heat and Solute Transport in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Saturated Sediment
Rau, G. C.; Andersen, M. S. & Acworth, R. I. (2009), 'Design of an Advanced Hydraulics Experiment to Simulate Heat and Solute Transport in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Saturated Sediment', Poster presentation at the Maules Creek Groundwater Forum, Maules Creek, 20th November 2009. Download (1.4 MB)
A Groundwater Flow Model of the Maules Creek Catchment
Giambastiani, B.M.S., McCallum A.M., Andersen M.S., Kelly B. F.J., Acworth (2009). A Groundwater Flow Model of the Maules Creek Catchment. Download (805 KB)
Hydrological investigations of surface water-groundwater interactions in a sub-catchment in the Namoi Valley, NSW, Australia
McCallum, A.M., Andersen, M.S., Kelly B.F.J., Giambastiani, B. & Acworth, R.I. (2009): Hydrological investigations of surface water-groundwater interactions in a sub-catchment in the Namoi Valley, NSW, Australia. Poster presentation at: Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, 2009 Maules Creek Groundwater Forum, Maules Creek. 20th November 2009. Download (1.33 MB)
Quantifying the potential impact of leaky boreholes
Timms, WA and RI Acworth (2009). Quantifying the potential impact of leaky boreholes. In: Milne-Home, W (ed.) Groundwater in the Sydney Basin. Proceedings of IAH NSW Symposium, 4-5th August, 2009. Download (6.39 MB)
Monitoring soil moisture and soil cracking in irrigated fields
Greve, A, RI Acworth, BFJ Kelly (2008). Monitoring soil moisture and soil cracking in irrigated fields. University of NSW, Water Research Laboratory. Download (1.77 MB)
Using heat as a tracer of surface/groundwater exchange
Gabriel Rau, Martin S Andersen, Andrew McCallum, R Ian Acworth (2008). Field and Numerical Investigation of Surface Water Groundwater Exchange Using Natural Heat as a Tracer - Deviation From the 1D Flow Assumption. University of NSW, Water Research Laboratory. Download (724 KB)
Monitoring water movement in cracking clay soils
Greve, A, RI Acworth, BFJ Kelly (2008). Monitoring water movement in cracking clay soils. University of NSW, Water Research Laboratory. Download (2.66 MB)
Managed aquifer recharge
Conroy, A., Timms, W and Acworth, RI, (2007). Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Botany Aquifer. Download (1.7 MB)
Naturally filtered seawater for desalination
Cunningham,I , W Timms and A Badenhop (2007). Optimising desalination feed water quality using subsurface intakes. University of NSW, Water Research Laboratory. Poster for GQ07 in Perth, December, 2007. Download (283 KB).
Cracking clays
Greve, A (2007). Shrinkage Cracks and Salt Leaching in Swelling Soils Coleambally Irrigation Area, NSW. University of NSW, Water Research Laboratory. Poster dated July, 2007. Download (52 KB)
Mud-mound springs
Acworth, RI, WA Timms (2003). Growth and collapse of mud-mound springs over a weathered basalt aquifer in Northern NSW. University of NSW, Water Research Laboratory. Poster dated July, 2003. Download (992 KB)
Deep leakage of irrigation water
Timms, WA and RI Acworth (2003). Leakage due to groundwater pumping at Pullaming, Upper Namoi. University of NSW, Water Research Laboratory. Poster dated July, 2003. Download (841 KB)
Clay barriers for waste containment
Timms, WA and MJ Hendry (2002). Implications of cation exchange on long-term migration of naturally occurring solutes in unoxidized clay till. University of Saskatchewan, Canada and University of NSW, Water Research Laboratory. Poster dated October, 2002. Download (368 KB)
Aquifer salinisation
Timms, WA, RI Acworth, J Jankowski, S. Lawson and P. Kumar (2002). Aquifer salinisation, Lower Murrumbidgee, Australia. University of NSW, Water Research Laboratory. Poster dated April, 2002. Download (394 KB)
Salinisation and sustainable groundwater extraction
Acworth, RI, W. Timms, J. Bell, J Jankowski, S. Lawson and P. Kumar (2001). Sustainable pumping below a saline clay in a multi-level aquifer system, Lower Murrumbidgee, Australia. University of NSW, Water Research Laboratory. Poster dated May, 2001. Download (717 KB)