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Title and publication source Authors Publication type Links Year
Multi-tracer approach to investigate groundwater recharge and aquifer connectivity in the Clarence-Moreton and eastern Surat basins in southeast Queensland. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 36 Matthias Raiber, Andrew Feitz, Dioni Cendon, Axel Suckow Conference presentations 2015
Natural temperature variations and soil moisture content in the vadose zone. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 231 Landon JS Halloran, Martin S. Andersen, Gabriel C. Rau, Hamid Roshan, Ian Acworth Conference presentations 2015
Organic matter content and redox chemistry in upwelling and down-welling hyporheic zones of a groundwater fed stream. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 162 Helen Rutlidge, Martin S Andersen, Stefan M Eberhard, Landon Halloran, Beth Neilsen, Gabriel Rau, Calvin Li, Afrida Salma, Junsong Chen, Cecil Moll, Cassandra Murphy, Andy Baker Conference presentations 2015
Proportioning Groundwater Hydrograph Fluctuations to Rainfall Recharge and Quantifying Recharge Lag- Time Using Impulse Response Function Modelling. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 56 Mark Hocking, Associate Professor Bryce Kelly Conference presentations 2015
Quantifying the impact of leaky wells using AEM in the Condamine Catchment . Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 32 Mark Hocking, Dr Craig Beverly, Associate Professor Bryce Kelly Conference presentations 2015
Reports from the front line: Compliance and enforcement of non-urban water extractions in NSW. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 38 Darren Sinclair Conference presentations 2015
Shallow groundwater recharge and residence time in two separate flood plains along an aridity gradient in South Queensland, Australia. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 54 Dioni Cendón, Associate Professor Bryce F.J. KELLY, Dr Josh LARSEN, Stuart HANKIN, Dr Cath HUGHES, Dr Karina MEREDITH, Dr Suzanne HOLLINS, Charlotte IVERACH Conference presentations 2015
Solute and evaporation gradients formed by episodic river recharge over-time in a dryland aquifer. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 57 K. Meredith, S.E. Hollins, C.E., Hughes, D.I. Cendón, A. Griffiths Conference presentations 2015
Statistical assessment of chemical and hydraulic trends in groundwater of the Mooki River alluvium. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 228 Scott B. Cook, Wendy Timms, Bryce F.J. Kelly, Ross S. Brodie Conference presentations 2015
The groundwater games: modelling cooperation in groundwater basins using agent-based models. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 166 Juan Carlos Castilla-Rho, Mariethoz, G, Rojas, R, Holley, C, Andersen, M5, Kelly, BFJ Conference presentations 2015
