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The hydrogeology and hydrogeochemical processes associated with the occurrence of dryland salinity in the Strontian Road Basin, NSW. In: Proceedings of the 25th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Adelaide, SA, 21 - 25 November, 1994, Vol. 2, Part A, 367-372. Jankowski, J, Acworth, R.I., & Little, W.A. Conference presentations 1994
Callala Villages Sewerage Scheme Investigation of Sand Dune exfiltration, Stage 1. NSW Public Works, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory, Report MHL 639, 19pp. Anderson, P., Acworth, I. & Jankowski, J. Technical reports 1993
Effects of conditioning films, substratum nature and microbial physiology on retention of the nomotile, gram-negative bacterium SW8 on substrata under conditions relevant for subsurface environments. In: 1993 International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology (ISSM-93), 19-24 September 1993, Bath, UK, p. G-13. Schneider, R. P., Chadwick, B. R., Jankowski, J., & Acworth, R. I. Conference presentations 1993
Hydrogeochemical zonation of groundwater in the Botany Sands aquifer, Sydney. AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, 14, p. 193-199. Acworth, R. I. & Jankowski, J. Technical journals & books 1993
Hydrogeological properties of the Botany Sands aquifer, Sydney. In: Proceedings of the 27th Newcastle Symposium on "Advances in the Study of the Sydney Basin", 2-4 April 1993, Newcastle, 229-236. Yu, X., Jankowski, J. & Acworth, R.I. Conference presentations 1993
The hydrochemistry of groundwater in fractured rock aquifers beneath dryland salinity occurrences at Yass, NSW. AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, 14, p. 279-285. Jankowski, J. & Acworth, R. I. Technical journals & books 1993
