
Unprecedented detail of extreme rainfall event recorded by NCRIS-funded infrastructure at Fowlers Gap Research Station

Unprecedented detail of extreme rainfall event recorded by NCRIS-funded infrastructure at Fowlers Gap Research Station

The National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) funded network of remote measurement devices and cameras has provided documentation of the January 2015 extreme rainfall event in unprecedented detail.

Tackling the complexities of mine dewatering

Tackling the complexities of mine dewatering

Groundwater can be both a curse and a saviour for mining companies as they engineer ways of extracting Australia’s mineral wealth in a sustainable way.

Water banking: a major contribution

Water banking: a major contribution

Water banking in aquifers can make a major contribution to efforts to address critical sustainability issues in the Murray-Darling and do so in ways that are consistent with contemporary policy settings and the demands of a highly variable and changing climate.

Caves as observatories of the past

Caves as observatories of the past

UNSW Science researchers are studying Wellington Caves to uncover a record of past climate and environmental conditions, writes Professor Andy Baker.

Laser isotope mass spectrometry technology for groundwater research in Australia

Laser isotope mass spectrometry technology for groundwater research in Australia

Laser isotope mass spectrometry is the next-generation technology for measuring environmental isotopes, and the Groundwater Education Investment Fund (GEIF) has invested in a suite of instruments to enable state-of-art research capabilities for groundwater research in Australia.

Centrifuge permeameter facility

Centrifuge permeameter facility

A state-of-the-science, world class centrifuge permeameter facility has been approved as part of the NCGRT Program 1B.

What's the hurry with CSG fracking?

What's the hurry with CSG fracking?

Just what is the deal with coal seam gas? Is it safe and is it all it's cracked up to be?

Monitoring infiltration in karstified limestone

Monitoring infiltration in karstified limestone

Despite the fact that karst regions are recognised as significant groundwater resources, the nature of groundwater flow paths in the unsaturated zone of such fractured rock is at present poorly understood.

Environmental 'time machine' - the integrity of aquitards overlying coal seams

Environmental 'time machine' - the integrity of aquitards overlying coal seams

A new geotechnical centrifuge at the University of New South Wales Water is an environmental 'time machine' for coal seam gas (CSG) and mining projects.

Opinion: Future demands we keep our unseen water bank solvent

Opinion: Future demands we keep our unseen water bank solvent

Climate change and population growth pose challenges to a precious resource, writes Craig Simmons.
