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Applications of coastal imaging technology to Coastal Engineering and Coastal Management in Australia. Proceedings, 16th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference, Inst.Eng.Aust., Auckland, New Zealand, Paper #159 (CD Conference Volume), 10p. ISBN 0-473-09832-6. Turner I.L. Conference presentations 2003
Applications of information systems in total catchment management, Proc. Second International Conference on Environmental Management, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, Published by Pergamon, pp 573 - 581. Ball, J.E., Coates, A. & Waite, T.D. Conference presentations 1998
Aquifer connectivity in the Namoi. Cotton CRC Science Forum. August, 2009. Kelly, B.F.J, Giambastiani B., and A.M. McCallum and W.Timms Conference presentations 2009
Aquifer heterogeneity and response time: the challenge for groundwater management. Crop and Pasture Science Kelly BFJ; Timms WA; Andersen MS; McCallum AM; Blakers RS; Smith R; Rau GC; Badenhop A; Ludowici K; Acworth RI Technical journals & books 2013
Aquifer recovery during the transition from drought to a wet period: the mechanisms and pathways to recovery. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 55 Calvin Li, Martin Andersen, Bryce Kelly, Gabriel Rau, Andrew McCallum, Andy Baker Conference presentations 2015
Aquifers and aquitards below the Liverpool Plains. In: Coal Mining and the Liverpool Plains, Plains Talk, Number 33, June 2006, Published by The Liverpool Plains Land Management Committee, pp 6-7. Timms, W. and Acworth, I. Conference presentations 2006
Aquifers, aquitards and mining. Abstracts booklet of NCGRT-ACSMP workshop, 27-28 March, UNSW, Sydney, ISBN: 978-0-7334-3433-4. Bouzalakos, S., Timms, W. Conference presentations 2014
Aquitard assessment practices for agriculture, mining and coal-seam gas extraction. International Geological Congress Brisbane 5-10 August Timms, WA, Hartland, A & Greve, A K Conference presentations 2012
Aquitard hydrology. A component of NCGRT Summer School, Adelaide, 30th November, 2011. Timms, WA Conference presentations 2011
Aquitard storativity estimates based upon geophysical (cross-hole and MASW) measurements of the bulk modulus. International Association of Hydrogeologists Niagara, Canada 16-21 September Acworth, RI, Timms, WA, Fitzpatrick, A & Greve, A K Conference presentations 2012
