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Trans-jurisdictional water law and governance in the context of unconventional gas mining: the Australian experience. J. Gray, C. Holley, & R. Rayfuse (Eds.), Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance, pp. 214-239. London: Routledge Gray, J. Technical journals & books 2016
The Challenge of Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance. In Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance Gray J., C. Holley and R. Rayfuse (eds.) pp. 3-18. London, Routledge Gray, J., C. Holley and R. Rayfuse Technical journals & books 2016
The Future of Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance. In Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance Gray J., C. Holley and R. Rayfuse (eds.) pp. 303-315. London, Routledge Gray, J., C. Holley and R. Rayfuse Technical journals & books 2016
Soil and aquifer salinization: toward an integrated approach for salinity management of groundwater. In Integrated Groundwater Management: Concepts, Approaches and Challenges. (Eds.) A. Jakeman, O. Barreteau, R. Hunt, J. D. Rinaudo and A. Ross, Springer. Greene, R., W. A. Timms, P. Rengasamy, M. Arshad and R. Cresswell Technical journals & books 2016
New Environmental Governance: Environmental Harms, Enforcement and Collaboration. In T. Spapens, R. White, & W. Huisman (Eds.), Environmental Crime in Transnational Context Global Issues in Green Enforcement and Criminology (pp. 157-173): Routledge. Holley, C. Technical journals & books 2016
Collective Management of Groundwater. In Integrated Groundwater Management: Concepts, Approaches and Challenges (Eds.) A. Jakeman, O. Barreteau, R. Hunt, J. D. Rinaudo and A. Ross, Springer. Holley, C., D. Sinclair, E. Lopez-Gunn and E. Schlarger Technical journals & books 2016
