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Transboundary Environmental Governance, Collaboration and the Law: Empirical Insights from Water and Natural Resource Management in Inland Queensland, Australia. Transboundary Environmental Governance: Inland, Coastal and Marine Perspectives. Ashgate. p. 53 – 86 Holley, C Technical journals & books 2012
Transport of four conservative elements through the Botany Sands aquifer, Sydney, Australia. In: T. R. Weaver and C. R. Lawrence (Editors), Proceedings of the International Groundwater Conference 1998: Groundwater: Sustainable Solutions, Melbourne, 8 - 13 February, 1998, 101 - 106. Beck, P., Jankowski, J. & Acworth, R. I. Conference presentations 1998
Tree-water use and groundwater level changes in an unconfined alluvial aquifer at Maules Creek, Narrabri, NSW Australia. IAH Congress Niagara Falls, Canada Acworth, I. R., McCallum, A., Rau, G. & Andersen, M.S. Conference presentations 2012
Two and three dimensional resistivity imaging in a shallow coastal sand aquifer. ASEG 16th Geophysical Conference and Exposition, February 2003, Adelaide. Dasey. G.R. & Acworth RI Conference presentations 2003
Uncertainty and groundwater yield. Irrigation Australia, Autumn Edition. Timms, W. General articles in popular publications 2008
Uncertainty of vertical streambed seepage rates under realistic field conditions using diel temperature fluctuations. 38th IAH Congress, Krakow, Poland, 12-17 September 2010. Rau, GC, Andersen, MS, & Acworth, RI Conference presentations 2010
Understanding and quantifying focused, indirect groundwater recharge from ephemeral streams using water table fluctuations. Water Resources Research 52: 827-840, doi:10.1002/2015WR017503 Cuthbert, M. O., R. I. Acworth, M. S. Andersen, J. Larsen, A. M. McCallum, G. C. Rau and J. H. Tellam Technical journals & books 2016
Understanding groundwater processes by representing aquifer heterogeneity in the Maules Creek Catchment, Namoi Valley (New South Wales, Australia). Hydrogeology Journal. Vol. 20, p. 1027 – 1044 Giambastiani, B, McCallum, A, Andersen, MS, Kelly, B.F.J. & Acworth, RI Technical journals & books 2012
Understanding Hydrological Flow in Karst to Improve Paleoclimate Modelling of Speleothems in SE Australia. Poster Presentation. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, 2012 Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia, 31st January - 3rd February 2012. Markowska, M, Treble, P, Baker, A, Jex, C, Andersen, MS & Graham, P Conference presentations 2012
Use of heat as tracer to quantify vertical streambed flow in a two-dimensional flow field. Water Resources Research. Vol. 48, 16pp Roshan, H, Rau, GC, Andersen, MS & Acworth, RI Technical journals & books 2012
