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Implications of deep drainage through saline clay for groundwater recharge and sustainable cropping in a semi-arid catchment, Australia. Hydrological and Earth Systems Science Discuss (8), pp 10053-10093. Timms, WA, Young, R & Huth, N Technical journals & books 2011
Implications of deep drainage through saline clay for groundwater recharge and sustainable cropping in a semi-arid catchment. Australia, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. Vol. 16, p. 1203 – 1219 Timms, WA, Young, R & Huth, N Technical journals & books 2012
The ups and downs of groundwater in the Murray-Darling Basin. Inland Rivers Network News, Summer 2011, page 5. Timms, WA. General articles in popular publications 2011
Leading practices for assessing the integrity of confining strata: application to mining and coal-seam gas extraction. International Mine Water Association Conference, Bunbury, West Australia, 30 September - 4 October 2012. Timms, WA., Acworth, I, Hartland, A., & Laurence, D. Conference presentations 2012
Implications of 3D geological architecture for surface-groundwater connectivity in the Mooki catchment. NSW IAH Symposium 2011: Hydrogeology in NSW - the Challenge of Uncertainty, Dockside, Sydney, Australia, 5-6 September. Timms, WA., Kelly, BFJ ,Blakers, R, Farley, C, Regmi, G, Larsen, J & Bowling, A Conference presentations 2011
An isotopic and modelling study of flow paths and storage in Quaternary calcarenite, SW Australia: implications for speleothem paleoclimate records. Quaternary Science Reviews, 64, 90-103 Treble, P.C., Bradley, C., Wood, A, Baker, A., Jex, C.N., Fairchild, I.J., Gagan, M.K., Cowley, J., Azcurra, C. Technical journals & books 2013
Roles of forest bioproductivity, transpiration and fire in a nine-year record of cave dripwater chemistry from southwest Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 184: 132–150. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.04.017. Treble, P.C., Fairchild, Andersen, M. S., Baker, A., Meredith, K.M., Andersen, M. S., Salmon, S.U., Bradley, C., Wynn, P.M. Hankin, S., Wood, A. and McGuire, E. Technical journals & books 2016
Persistent positive North Atlantic Oscillation mode dominated the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Science, 324, 78-80 Trouet, V., Esper, J., Graham, N.E., Baker, A., Scourse, J.D. and Frank, D.C. Technical journals & books 2009
Applications of coastal imaging technology to Coastal Engineering and Coastal Management in Australia. Proceedings, 16th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference, Inst.Eng.Aust., Auckland, New Zealand, Paper #159 (CD Conference Volume), 10p. ISBN 0-473-09832-6. Turner I.L. Conference presentations 2003
Gosford-Wyong Water Supply Desalination-Identification of Potential Groundwater Supply. UNSW Water Research Laboratory Technical Report 2004/22. Turner I.L. & Acworth R.I. Technical reports 2004
