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Aquitard storativity estimates based upon geophysical (cross-hole and MASW) measurements of the bulk modulus. International Association of Hydrogeologists Niagara, Canada 16-21 September Acworth, RI, Timms, WA, Fitzpatrick, A & Greve, A K Conference presentations 2012
Tree-water use and groundwater level changes in an unconfined alluvial aquifer at Maules Creek, Narrabri, NSW Australia. IAH Congress Niagara Falls, Canada Acworth, I. R., McCallum, A., Rau, G. & Andersen, M.S. Conference presentations 2012
Groundwater hydrogeochemistry in the unsaturated zone of a paleokarstified Devonian limestone, SE Australia. Paper presented to the 39th International Association of Hydrogelogist Congress 2012. Niagara Falls, ON. In Congress Program and Book of Abstracts, P 59-60 Baker, A., Jex, C., Andersen, M.S., Graham, P. & Markowska, M. Conference presentations 2012
Karst unsaturated zone hydrogeological properties constrained by annually laminated stalagmite growth-rate time-series. 39th IAH Congress Niagara Falls, Canada September 16-21, 2012 Baker, A, Mariethoz, G & Kelly, B.F.J. Conference presentations 2012
The Archean bentley Zn-Cu volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit: alteration and chemostratigraphy. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012 34th International Geological Congress Brisbane, Queensland 5-10 August, 2012 Burkett, D, Graham, IT, Kelly, B.F.J., Lennox, PG & Martin, N Conference presentations 2012
Using Climatic Insights to Guide Stochastic Process-Based Modelling of a Valley Filling Fluvial Sequence in the Murray-Darling Basin. Australia British Sedimentological Research Group 51st Annual General Meeting British Sedimentological Research Group 51st Annual General Meeting Dublin, Ireland 18th - 20th December 2012 Comunian, A, Mariethoz, G & Kelly, B.F.J. Conference presentations 2012
An improved methodology for 3D multiple-point simulation from 2D training images. PROCEEDINGS OF geoENV2012, Valencia, Spain September 19-21 Comunian, A, Renard, P., Straubhaar, J. & Kelly, B.F.J. Conference presentations 2012
Micro gravity and cross-hole seismic to monitor water storage changes in aquitards. Unearthing new layers; 22nd international geophysical conference and exhibition ASEG 2012; 22nd international geophysical conference and exhibition Brisbane 26th February, 2012 Greve, A K, Rogan, A, Timms, WA & Acworth, I. R Conference presentations 2012
Using high-resolution bathymetry and Direct Sampling to characterise sedimentary evolution in large rivers . 34IGC Brisbane August 2012 Jha, S & Mariethoz, G Conference presentations 2012
Statistical downscaling of land-atmospheric variables using the Direct Sampling method . geoENV2012 Valencia, Spain September 19-21 Jha, S & Mariethoz, G Conference presentations 2012
