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Monitoring groundwater dynamics in the littoral zone at seasonal, storm, tide and swash frequencies. Coastal Engineering, 35(1-2): 1-16. DOI 10.1016/S0378-3839(98)00023-4. Turner, I.L. Technical journals & books 1998
Swash infiltration-exfiltration and sediment transport. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(C13), 30,813. Turner, I.L. & Masselink, G. Technical journals & books 1998
Improvement of storage-discharge relationships for runoff-routing models. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 2:77-88. Sriwongsitanon, N, Cordery, I. & Ball, J.E. Technical journals & books 1998
An investigation of the relationship between the flood wave speed and parameters in runoff-routing models. Journal of Hydrological Science, 43(2):197-213. Sriwongsitanon, N., Ball, J.E. & Cordery, I. Technical journals & books 1998
In Situ Gas-Liquid-Solid Fluidisation for Remediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sands. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 35(6). DOI 10.1139/cgj-35-6-938. Niven R.K. & Khalili, N. Technical journals & books 1998
Modelling the spatial variability of rainfall over a catchment. ASCE, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 3(2):122-130. DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0699(1998)3:2(122). Ball, J.E. and Luk, KC Technical journals & books 1998
An assessment of the availability of pollutant constituents on road surfaces. Science of the Total Environment, 209:243-254. DOI 10.1016/S0048-9697/(98)80115-0. Ball, J.E., Jenks, R. & Aubourg, D. Technical journals & books 1998
Investigation of Dryland Salinity using the Electrical Image method. Australian Journal of Soil Science, v 37, pp. 623-36. DOI 10.1071/SR98084. Acworth, R. I. Technical journals & books 1999
Quantifying leakage and mixing in an alluvial aquifer system: A combined hydrochemical and hydrodynamic modelling approach constrained by isotopic evidence. In: K-P Seiler & S. Wohnlich (Editors), New Approaches to Characterising Groundwater Flow, Balkema, Rotterdam, 419-423. Timms, W., Acworth, R. I. & Jankowski, J. Technical journals & books 2001
Shallow groundwater dynamics in smectite dominated clay on the Liverpool Plains of New South Wales. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 39.2, 203 - 218. DOI 10.1071/SR00002. Timms, W., Acworth, R. I. & Berhane, D. Technical journals & books 2001
