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Classification and calibration of organic matter fluorescence data with multi-way analysis methods and artificial neural networks: an operational tool for improved drinking water treatment. Environmetrics, vol 22, pp 256-270. Bieroza, M, Baker, A & Bridgeman, J Technical journals & books 2011
An assessment of low pH coagulation using fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol 137, pp 596-601. Bieroza, M, Baker, A, & Bridgeman, J Technical journals & books 2011
Three-dimensional high resolution fluvio-glacial aquifer analog: Part 1: Field study. Journal of Hydrology vol 405, pp 1 - 9. Bayer, P, Huggenberger, P, Renard, P & Comunian, A Technical journals & books 2011
High resolution d18O and d13C records from an annually laminated Scottish stalagmite and relationship with last millennium climate. Global and Planetary Change, vol 79, pp 303-311. Baker, A, Wilson, R, Fairchild, IJ, Franke, J, Spotl, C, Mattey, D, Trouet, V & Fuller, L Technical journals & books 2011
Seasonalizing mountain system recharge in semi-arid basins-Climate change impacts. Ground Water. Ajami, H, Meixner, T, Dominguez, F. Hogan, JF. & Maddock, T III Technical journals & books 2011
Quantifying mountain block recharge by means of catchment-scale storage-discharge relationship. Water Resources Research, vol 47 (W04504). Ajami, H, Troch, PA, Maddock III, T, Meixner, T & Eastoe, C Technical journals & books 2011
RIPGIS-NET: A GIS tool for riparian groundwater evapotranspiration in MODFLOW. Ground Water, vol 50 (1) pp 154-158. Ajami, H, Maddock III, T, Meixner, T, Hogan, JF & Guertin.DP Technical journals & books 2011
Impact of land-surface elevation and riparian evapotranspiration seasonality on groundwater budget in MODFLOW models. Hydrogeology Journal, vol 19 pp 1181-1188. Ajami, H, Meixner, T, Maddock III, T, Hogan, JF & Guertin.DP Technical journals & books 2011
Monitoring the transition from preferential to matrix flow in cracking clay soil through changes in the electrical anisotropy. Geoderma. Greve, A.K., Andersen, M.S. and Acworth, R.I. Technical journals & books 2012
3D Cross-hole resistivity tomography to monitor water percolation during irrigation on cracking soil. Soil Research, 49(8), 661-669. Fairchild, IJ & Baker A Technical journals & books 2012
