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Toward improved estimation of groundwater recharge and evapotranspiration using coupled vs. integrated hydrologic models. Poster Presentation. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 28 June-7 July 2011. Ajami, H, McCabe, MF, Stisen, S & Evans.JP Conference presentations 2011
Time series of tritium, stable isotopes and chloride reveal short-term variations in groundwater contribution to a stream. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20(1): 257-277 Duvert, C., M. K. Stewart, D. I. Cendón and M. Raiber Technical journals & books 2016
Time lapse electrical resistivity imaging to detect water movement beneath irrigated crops. In Acworth RI, Macky G and Merrick N (Editors) Where Waters Meet: Proceedings of the NZHS-IAH-NZSSS 2005 Conference, Auckland, 29 November - 1 December 2005. Publisher: New Zealand Hydrological Society, PO Box 12300, Wellington, NZ. ISBN: 0-473-10627-2. Acworth RI & Kelly BFJ Conference presentations 2005
Tides, Waves and the Super-elevation of Groundwater at the Coast. Journal of Coastal Research, V. 13 (1), p. 45-60. Turner, I.L., Coates, B.P., and Acworth, R.I. Technical journals & books 1997
Tidal Forcing Groundwater Dynamics in a Restored Coastal Wetland: Implications of Saline Intrusion. Proceedings of the NZHS-IAH-NZSSS 2005 Conference, Auckland, 29 November - 1 December 2005. Where waters meet, Eds. (Acworth I, Macky G, Merrick N). CD Published by the New Zealand Hydrological Society, ISBN 0-473-10627-2. Glamore, W. and Indraratna, B. Conference presentations 2005
Three-Dimensional Modelling of Groundwater Extraction via Lateral Wells at Lakes Beach NSW. UNSW Water Research Laboratory Technical Report 2005/01. Anderson D, Glamore W & Frazer A Technical reports 2005
Three-dimensional high resolution fluvio-glacial aquifer analog: Part 1: Field study. Journal of Hydrology vol 405, pp 1 - 9. Bayer, P, Huggenberger, P, Renard, P & Comunian, A Technical journals & books 2011
Three-dimensional high resolution fluvio-glacial aquifer analog - Part 2: Geostatistical modeling. Journal of Hydrology vol 405 pp 10-23. Comunian, A, Renard, P, Straubhaar, J & Bayer, P Technical journals & books 2012
Three dimensional temporal analysis of surface and ground water interactions. First Australian 3D Hydrogeology Workshop, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, Australia, 31st August - 1st September 2009; pp. 29-30. Giambastiani B.M.S., Kelly B. F.J, McCallum A., The C. Conference presentations 2009
Theme editorial - Surface water and groundwater: understanding the importance of their connections. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 56 (1). Acworth, I. Technical journals & books 2009
