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Sources of salinity in the Kyeamba Valley: Implications for the agricultural productivity due to the impact of Na-Cl rich groundwaters. In: T. R. Weaver and C. R. Lawrence (Editors), Proceedings of the International Groundwater Conference 1998: Groundwater: Sustainable Solutions, Melbourne, 8 - 13 February, 1998, 287 - 292. Jankowski, J., Acworth, R. I. & Shekarforoush, S. Conference presentations 1998
Solute and evaporation gradients formed by episodic river recharge over-time in a dryland aquifer. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 57 K. Meredith, S.E. Hollins, C.E., Hughes, D.I. Cendón, A. Griffiths Conference presentations 2015
Soil and aquifer salinization: toward an integrated approach for salinity management of groundwater. In Integrated Groundwater Management: Concepts, Approaches and Challenges. (Eds.) A. Jakeman, O. Barreteau, R. Hunt, J. D. Rinaudo and A. Ross, Springer. Greene, R., W. A. Timms, P. Rengasamy, M. Arshad and R. Cresswell Technical journals & books 2016
Size-Dependent Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion. International Journal of Geomechanics. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000706 Masoumi, H., Roshan, H., & Hagan, P. C. Technical journals & books 2016
Site Investigations - Lakes Beach. UNSW Water Research Laboratory Technical Report 2004/32. Timms, W., Pells, S. & Badenhop, A. Technical reports 2004
Simulation of karstic networks using high order discrete Markov processes. H2Karst. 9th Conference on Limestone Hydrogeology, Besancon, France, 1-3 September 2011. Mariethoz, G & Renard, P Conference presentations 2011
Shallow groundwater recharge and residence time in two separate flood plains along an aridity gradient in South Queensland, Australia. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 54 Dioni Cendón, Associate Professor Bryce F.J. KELLY, Dr Josh LARSEN, Stuart HANKIN, Dr Cath HUGHES, Dr Karina MEREDITH, Dr Suzanne HOLLINS, Charlotte IVERACH Conference presentations 2015
Shallow groundwater dynamics in smectite dominated clay on the Liverpool Plains of New South Wales. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 39.2, 203 - 218. DOI 10.1071/SR00002. Timms, W., Acworth, R. I. & Berhane, D. Technical journals & books 2001
Shale fracture surface area measured by tracking exchangeable cations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 138: 97-103 Roshan, H., M. Sarmadivaleh and S. Iglauer Technical journals & books 2016
Sensitivity analysis of effective parameters on the permeability of rock mass around a tunnel. Proceedings 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium Seoul, Korea 15-19 Oct, 2012 Zoorabadi, M, Saydam, S, Timms, WA & Hebblewhite, B Conference presentations 2012
