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Are groundwater salinity changes in the Namoi catchment leading to the degradation of beneficial uses?. In: McLean, W., and Milne-Holme B. NSW IAH Symposium 2011: Hydrogeology in NSW - the Challenge of Uncertainty, Dockside, Sydney, Australia, 5-6 September. Badenhop A, Timms WA, Kelly BFJ, Witts B, Rayner D & Mehrabi, S Conference presentations 2011
Assessing connectivity between an aquifer and coal seam gas production using water geochemistry and methane isotopes. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 197 Charlotte Iverach, Dioni I. Cendon, Stuart I. Hankin, Dave Lowry, Rebecca E. Fisher, James L. France, Euan G. Nisbet, Andy Baker, Bryce F.J. Kelly Conference presentations 2015
Assessing the Impact of Model Spin up on Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Using an Integrated Hydrologic Model . American Geophysical Union San Francisco December 2012 Ajami, H, McCabe, MF, Evans, JP & Stisen, S Conference presentations 2012
Assessing the potential impact of effluent disposal on coastal aquifers. Australian Water and Waste Association, 17th Federal Convention. Water in the Balance. Melbourne, 16th to 21st March, 1997. Daniels, C & Acworth, I. Conference presentations 1997
Assessment of groundwater supply feasibility for Strathfield Park. UNSW Water Research Laboratory Technical Report 2007/10. Report to Strathfield City Council. Timms, WA, Cunningham, IL, Badenhop AM Technical reports 2007
Assessment of Sediment in RTA Detention Basins. UNSW Water Research laboratory Technical Report 2001/32. Walker, J. Beck, R., Pells, S. Ball, J. & Timms, W. Technical reports 2001
Assessment of stream restoration and aquifer management options for Borambil Creek. WRL Technical Report 2011/15. Pells, SE, Bacon, P, Miller, BM & Timms, WA Technical reports 2011
Background Paper on New South Wales Geology: With a focus on basins containing coal seam gas resources. Report commissioned for the independent review of coal seam gas activities in NSW by the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer: UNSW Global Pty Ltd Ward C.R., Kelly B.F.J. Technical reports 2013
Barriers to flow: advancing aquitard assessments for energy and mineral resource projects. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 73 W. Timms Conference presentations 2015
Bayesian inverse problem and optimization with iterative spatial resampling. Water Resources Research no 46. Article number W11530 - 1178. Mariethoz, G, Renard, P, & Caers, J. Technical journals & books 2010
