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Vertical hydraulic conductivity of a clayey-silt aquitard: accelerated fluid flow in a centrifuge permeameter compared with in situ conditions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussion Timms WA; Crane R; Anderson DJ; Bouzalakos S; Whelan M; McGeeney D; Rahman PF; Guinea A; Acworth RI Technical journals & books 2014
Vertical hydrochemical zonation in a coastal section of the Botany Sands Aquifer, Sydney, Australia. Hydrogeology Journal, v.5, No 2, p. 64--74. DOI 10.1007/s100400050117. Lavitt, N, Acworth, R. I., & Jankowski, J. Technical journals & books 1997
Visualising the Impacts of Groundwater Usage with Crystallize. National Water Commission, Canberra, ACT Australia 15th December 2010. Kelly, BFJ Conference presentations 2010
Waste Dump Tracer Study. Mt Whaleback Mine, Newman, WA. UNSW water Research Laboratory Technical Report 1998/38, 29p, August 1998. Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW, Manly Vale. Daniels, C. W. Technical reports 1998
Water isotope systematics: Improving our palaeoclimate interpretations. Quaternary Science Reviews 131: 243-249 Jones, M. D., S. Dee, L. Anderson, A. Baker, G. Bowen and D. C. Noone Technical journals & books 2016
Water Presence in an Arid and Semi-arid River: Pattern, causes, mechanisms and change. American Geophysical Union San Francisco December 2012 Meixner, T, Soto, C, Ajami, H, Turner, D, Richter, H & Dominguez, F Conference presentations 2012
Water quality and ecological implications of changing dynamics in surface water groundwater interactions. USGS seminars Menlo Park (California), Reno (Nevada), Salt Lake City (Utah), Boulder (Colorado) USA July 2010. Andersen, MS, & Acworth, RI Conference presentations 2010
What controls the cave drip water temperature? Analysis and implications for paleoclimate reconstruction from speleothems. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 171 Gabriel C. Raul, Mark O. Cuthbert, Martin S. Andersen, Andy Baker, Helen Rutlidge, Monika Markowska, Hamid Roshan, Christopher E. Marjo, Peter W. Graham, R. Ian Acworth Conference presentations 2015
What determines the calcium concentration of speleothem-forming drip waters?. Global and Planetary Change, 143, 152-161. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.06.001 Baker, A., Flemons, I., Andersen, M. S., Coleborn, K., & Treble, P. C. Technical journals & books 2016
What's the Hurry with CSG. Australian Geographic . Vol. 107, p. 98 – 100 Kelly, B.F.J. General articles in popular publications 2012
