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Development of a 3D Geological Mapping and Database Interface to Support Interconnected Groundwater and Surface Water Management. A report by the Connected Waters Initiative, UNSW and National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training for the Cotton Catchment Communities CRC and the National Water Commission. Kelly, B, Giambastiani, BS, Andersen, M, McCallum A, & Acworth RI Technical reports 2010
Groundwater Management for Coastal Sand Aquifers: Groundwater Quality Protection and Sustainable Resource Utilisation. NSW Coastal Conference 2004. November 9 - 12, 2004. Pells, S.E, Timms, W.A, Turner, I.L. Conference presentations 2004
Groundwater Monitoring, Evaluation and Grower Survey, Namoi Catchment, Report No. 2, Part A: Results of 2009 Groundwater Monitoring and Recommendations for Future Best Practice Monitoring Framework, Part B: Groundwater User Survey. UNSW Water Research Laboratory Technical Report 2009/25. Timms, WA, Badenhop, AM, Rayner, D, & Mehrabi, S Technical reports 2010
Maules Creek Project: A Groundwater Flow Model of the Maules Creek Catchment. Research Report prepared for Cotton Catchment Communities CRC. Final 15/02/2010. Giambastiani, BS, McCallum, A, Andersen, MS, & Acworth, RI Technical reports 2010
Optimising Subsurface Well Design for Coastal Desalination Water Harvesting. NZHS-IAH-NZSSS Auckland 2005 Conference, November 29th - December 1st 2005, Auckland, New Zealand. Published by the New Zealand Hydrological Society, ISBN 0-473-10627-2. Anderson, D. J, Timms, W.A. and Glamore, W.C. Conference presentations 2005
The Complexity of Numerical Modelling of the Singapore Coastal Waters. 8th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, Surfer’s Paradise, July 13 - 16, 2004. Frazer, A, Glamore, W.C and Walker, J.M. Conference presentations 2004
. Conditional Simulation of Geological Textures by Image Quilting . 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2012 (ICACE 2012) CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh 12 / 14 December 2012 Mahmud, K, Mariethoz, G, & Baker, A Conference presentations 2012
2D and 3D Resistivity Imaging at a Remediation Site. UNSW water Research laboratory Technical Report 2004/26. Timms, W. & Acworth, R, I. Technical reports 2004
3D Analysis of Irrigation Bore Water Chemistry Data from the Namoi Catchment. Cotton Catchment Communities CRC summer scholarship final report, Version 2, 9th February, 40 pages. The C. and Kelly B.F.J. Research reports 2009
3D Cross-hole resistivity tomography to monitor water percolation during irrigation on cracking soil. Soil Research, 49(8), 661-669. Fairchild, IJ & Baker A Technical journals & books 2012
