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Hydrogeochemical processes in a fractured rock aquifer of the Lachlan Fold Belt: Yass, New South Wales, Australia. In: G. B. Arehart and J. R. Hulston (Editors), Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Taupo, New Zealand, 30 March - 3 April, 1998, 239 - 242, Balkema, Rotterdam. Jankowski, J., Acworth, R. I. & Shekarforoush, S. Conference presentations 1998
Reverse ion-exchange in a deeply weathered porphyritic dacite fractured aquifer system, Yass, New South Wales, Australia. In: G. B. Arehart and J. R. Hulston (Editors), Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Taupo, New Zealand, 30 March - 3 April, 1998, 243 - 246, Balkema, Rotterdam. Jankowski, J., Acworth, R. I. & Shekarforoush, S. Conference presentations 1998
Sources of salinity in the Kyeamba Valley: Implications for the agricultural productivity due to the impact of Na-Cl rich groundwaters. In: T. R. Weaver and C. R. Lawrence (Editors), Proceedings of the International Groundwater Conference 1998: Groundwater: Sustainable Solutions, Melbourne, 8 - 13 February, 1998, 287 - 292. Jankowski, J., Acworth, R. I. & Shekarforoush, S. Conference presentations 1998
A small-scale dispersion experiment in a sandy aquifer: Non-reactive tracer movement and dispersion estimations. In: T. R. Weaver and C. R. Lawrence (Editors), Proceedings of the International Groundwater Conference 1998: Groundwater: Sustainable Solutions, Melbourne, 8 - 13 February, 1998, 173 - 178. Jankowski, J., Acworth, R. I. & Evans, D. J. Conference presentations 1998
Origin and hydrochemistry of seepages associated with dryland salinity in the southern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia. In: J. Van Brahana et al. (Editors), Proceedings of the XXVIII Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27 September - 2 October, 1998, 67 - 74. Jankowski, J. & Acworth, R. I. Conference presentations 1998
Surface water and ground-water interaction in the recharge zone of a coastal aquifer, Sydney, Australia. In: J. Van Brahana et al. (Editors), Proceedings of the XXVIII Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27 September - 2 October, 1998, 667 - 673. Jankowski, J. & Acworth, R. I. Conference presentations 1998
A small-scale dispersion experiment in a sandy aquifer: Non-reactive tracer movement and dispersion estimates. In: T. R. Weaver and C. R. Lawrence (Editors), Proceedings of the International Groundwater Conference 1998: Groundwater: Sustainable Solutions, Melbourne, 8 - 13 February, 1998. Jankowski, J., Acworth, R. I. & Evans, D. J. Conference presentations 1998
Mixing of Pollutant Constituents in Compound Open Channels. Proc. HydraStorm 98, Adelaide, pp 241-248. Jaque, D.T. & Ball, J.E. Conference presentations 1998
Hydrogeological investigation of a mound springs site in the Lake Goran Catchment, Liverpool Plains, NSW. In: T. R. Weaver and C. R. Lawrence (Editors), Proceedings of the International Groundwater Conference 1998: Groundwater: Sustainable Solutions, Melbourne, 8 - 13 February, 1998. Jones, N.T, Kavanagh, M.A. & Acworth R.I. Conference presentations 1998
Hydrogeological investigation of the soil and groundwater conditions at the Treloar Springs site in the Lake Goran Catchment, NSW. In: T. R. Weaver and C. R. Lawrence (Editors), Proceedings of the International Groundwater Conference 1998: Groundwater: Sustainable Solutions, Melbourne, 8 - 13 February, 1998. Kavanagh, M.A., Jones, N.T. & Acworth, R.I. Conference presentations 1998
