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Accelerated gravity testing of aquitard core permeability and implications at formation and regional scale. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20(1): 39-54. Timms, W., R. Crane, D. J. Anderson, S. Bouzalakos, M. Whelan, D. McGeeney, P. Rahman and I. Acworth Technical journals & books 2016
Marine water from mid-Holocene sea level highstand trapped in a coastal aquifer: Evidence from groundwater isotopes, and environmental significance. Sci Total Environ, 544, 995-1007. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.12.014 Lee, S., Currell, M., & Cendón, D. I. Technical journals & books 2016
Roles of forest bioproductivity, transpiration and fire in a nine-year record of cave dripwater chemistry from southwest Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 184: 132–150. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.04.017. Treble, P.C., Fairchild, Andersen, M. S., Baker, A., Meredith, K.M., Andersen, M. S., Salmon, S.U., Bradley, C., Wynn, P.M. Hankin, S., Wood, A. and McGuire, E. Technical journals & books 2016
Stress-dependent hydraulic properties of clayey-silt aquitards in Eastern Australia. Acta Geotechnica Bouzalakos, S., Crane R.A, McGeeney, D., Timms W.A. Technical journals & books 2016
Groundwater recharge and time lag measurement through Vertosols using impulse response functions. Journal of Hydrology 535 22-35. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.01.042 Hocking, M., and Kelly, B. F. J. Technical journals & books 2016
Next Generation Environmental Regulation. 12 Annual Review of Law and Social Science. November, 2016, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-lawsocsci-110615-084651). Gunningham, N., & Holley C. Technical journals & books 2016
Shallow groundwater recharge and residence time in two separate flood plains along an aridity gradient in South Queensland, Australia. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 54 Dioni Cendón, Associate Professor Bryce F.J. KELLY, Dr Josh LARSEN, Stuart HANKIN, Dr Cath HUGHES, Dr Karina MEREDITH, Dr Suzanne HOLLINS, Charlotte IVERACH Conference presentations 2015
Fluorescence Spectroscopy as an Emerging Measurement Technology for Groundwater OM. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 230 Peter Graham, Andy Baker, Martin Andersen Conference presentations 2015
Statistical assessment of chemical and hydraulic trends in groundwater of the Mooki River alluvium. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 228 Scott B. Cook, Wendy Timms, Bryce F.J. Kelly, Ross S. Brodie Conference presentations 2015
Mapping karst features and recharge pathways using resistivity imaging: A case study Wellington Caves, NSW, Australia. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 236 Mohammadreza Keshavarzi, Bryce Kelly, Andy Baker Conference presentations 2015
