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Groundwater recharge and time lag measurement through Vertosols using impulse response functions. Journal of Hydrology 535 22-35. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.01.042 Hocking, M., and Kelly, B. F. J. Technical journals & books 2016
Accelerated gravity testing of aquitard core permeability and implications at formation and regional scale. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 39 - 54 Timms WA; Crane R; Anderson DJ; Bouzalakos S; Whelan M; McGeeney D; Rahman PF; Acworth RI Technical journals & books 2016
Spatial and seasonal variations in the composition of dissolved organic matter in a tropical catchment: The Lower Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia. Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts 18(1): 137-150 Harun, S., A. Baker, C. Bradley and G. Pinay Technical journals & books 2016
Palaeohydrological evolution and implications for palaeoclimate since the Late Glacial at Laguna de Fuente de Piedra, southern Spain. Quaternary International, 407, 29-46. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2016.02.051 Hoebig, N., Mediavilla, R., Gibert, L., Santisteban, J. I., Cendon, D. I., Ibanez, J., & Reicherter, K. Technical journals & books 2016
Effects of wildfire on long-term soil CO2 concentration: Implications for karst processes. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(4):330 Coleborn, K., Spate, A., Tozer, M., Andersen, M.S., Fairchild, I., MacKenzie, B., Treble, P., Meehan, S., Baker, A. & Baker, A. Technical journals & books 2016
Evaluation of rainfall and wetland water area variability at Thirlmere Lakes using Landsat time-series data. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1-12. doi:10.1007/s13762-016-1018-z Banerjee, B., Raval, S., Timms, W. Technical journals & books 2016
Island groundwater resources, impacts of abstraction and a drying climate: Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Journal of Hydrology Bryan, E., Meredith, K.T., Baker, A., Post, V.E. and Andersen, M.S. Technical journals & books 2016
Understanding and quantifying focused, indirect groundwater recharge from ephemeral streams using water table fluctuations. Water Resources Research 52: 827-840, doi:10.1002/2015WR017503 Cuthbert, M. O., R. I. Acworth, M. S. Andersen, J. Larsen, A. M. McCallum, G. C. Rau and J. H. Tellam Technical journals & books 2016
An irrigation experiment to compare soil, water and speleothem tetraether membrane lipid distributions. Organic Geochemistry 94: 12-20 Baker, A., C. Jex, H. Rutlidge, M. Woltering, A. Blyth, M. S. Andersen, M. O. Cuthbert, C. E. Marjo, M. Markowska, G. C. Rau and S. Khan Technical journals & books 2016
Next Generation Environmental Regulation. 12 Annual Review of Law and Social Science. November, 2016, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-lawsocsci-110615-084651). Gunningham, N., & Holley C. Technical journals & books 2016
