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The transfer of seasonal isotopic variability between precipitation and drip water at eight caves in the monsoon regions of China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 183, 250-266 Duan, W., Ruan, J., Luo, W., Li, T., Tian, L., Zeng, G., Zhang, D., Bai, Y., Li, J., Tao, T., Zhang, P., Baker, A. and Tan, M. Technical journals & books 2016
Technical Note: The use of an interrupted-flow centrifugation method to characterise preferential flow in low permeability media. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 3991 - 4000 Crane RA; Cuthbert MO; Timms W, 2015 Technical journals & books 2016
Evaluation of rainfall and wetland water area variability at Thirlmere Lakes using Landsat time-series data. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1-12. doi:10.1007/s13762-016-1018-z Banerjee, B., Raval, S., Timms, W. Technical journals & books 2016
Stress-dependent hydraulic properties of clayey-silt aquitards in Eastern Australia. Acta Geotechnica Bouzalakos, S., Crane R.A, McGeeney, D., Timms W.A. Technical journals & books 2016
Collective Management of Groundwater. In Integrated Groundwater Management: Concepts, Approaches and Challenges (Eds.) A. Jakeman, O. Barreteau, R. Hunt, J. D. Rinaudo and A. Ross, Springer. Holley, C., D. Sinclair, E. Lopez-Gunn and E. Schlarger Technical journals & books 2016
An irrigation experiment to compare soil, water and speleothem tetraether membrane lipid distributions. Organic Geochemistry 94: 12-20 Baker, A., C. Jex, H. Rutlidge, M. Woltering, A. Blyth, M. S. Andersen, M. O. Cuthbert, C. E. Marjo, M. Markowska, G. C. Rau and S. Khan Technical journals & books 2016
Stress-dependent hydraulic properties of clayey-silt aquitards in eastern Australia. Acta Geotechnica. doi:10.1007/s11440-016-0455-7 Bouzalakos, S., R. A. Crane, D. McGeeney and W. A. Timms Technical journals & books 2016
Dependence of quartz wettability on fluid density. Geophysical Research Letters 43(8): 3771-3776 Al-Yaseri, A. Z., H. Roshan, M. Sarmadivaleh and S. Iglauer Technical journals & books 2016
Understanding and quantifying focused, indirect groundwater recharge from ephemeral streams using water table fluctuations. Water Resources Research 52: 827-840, doi:10.1002/2015WR017503 Cuthbert, M. O., R. I. Acworth, M. S. Andersen, J. Larsen, A. M. McCallum, G. C. Rau and J. H. Tellam Technical journals & books 2016
What determines the calcium concentration of speleothem-forming drip waters?. Global and Planetary Change, 143, 152-161. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.06.001 Baker, A., Flemons, I., Andersen, M. S., Coleborn, K., & Treble, P. C. Technical journals & books 2016
