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Disconnected waters in the Gunnedah Basin?. Part 1: Geophysical field methods to characterise geological barriers to flow NSW IAH Symposium 2011: Hydrogeology in NSW - the Challenge of Uncertainty, Dockside, Sydney, Australia, 5-6 September. Greve, AK, Timms, WA & Rogan A Conference presentations 2011
Parameterizing training images used for multiple-point simulations. 24th Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting Annual Meeting, Stanford University, USA, 4-5 May, 2011. Mariethoz Gregoire Conference presentations 2011
Resistivity imaging across native vegetation and irrigated vertosols of the Condamine catchment - a snapshot of changing regolith water storage. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, 1-6 Aug. 2010, Brisbane,QLD, Australia. Foley J, Silburn M & Greve AK Conference presentations 2010
Disconnected waters in the Gunnedah Basin? Part 2: Centrifuge technology to characterise geological barriers to flow In: McLean, W., and Milne-Holme B. NSW IAH Symposium 2011: Hydrogeology in NSW - the Challenge of Uncertainty, Dockside, Sydney, Australia, 5-6 September. Regmi G, Timms, WA, Greve, AK, Bambrook, B & Walmsley, H Conference presentations 2011
Disconnected waters in the Gunnedah Basin? Part 1: Geophysical field methods to characterise geological barriers to flow. In McLean, W & Milne-Holme, B. NSW IAH Symposium 2011: Hydrogeology in NSW - the Challenge of Uncertainty, Dockside, Sydney, Australia, 5-6 September. Greve AK, Timms, WA & Rogan, A Conference presentations 2011
Characterisation of hydraulic properties of clay aquitards in the Namoi Catchment. Poster presentation. 11th Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference & 4th Australasian Hydrogeology Research Conference, Cairns, Australia, 12-14 July 2011. Regmi G, Timms WA, Acworth RI, Whelan M & McDonell M Conference presentations 2011
Leading practices for assessing the integrity of confining strata: application to mining and coal-seam gas extraction. International Mine Water Association Conference, Bunbury, West Australia, 30 September - 4 October 2012. Timms, WA., Acworth, I, Hartland, A., & Laurence, D. Conference presentations 2012
Is thermal dispersivity significant for the use of heat as a tracer in sediments?. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, California, USA. 5-9 December. Rau, GC, Andersen, MS, & Acworth, RI Conference presentations 2011
Acidification and trace metal mobility in soil and shallow groundwater on the Gnangara Mound, Western Australia. World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 16 August 2010. Ward, J, Andersen, MS, Appleyard, S, & Clohessy, S Conference presentations 2010
Contaminant retardation of 10,000 within aquitards: development of centrifuge permeameter techniques. 2nd Canadian Symposium on Aquitard Hydrgeology, University of Ottawa, Canada, 21-23 June, 2011. Timms, W, Whelan, M & Regmi G Conference presentations 2011
