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Organic matter content and redox chemistry in upwelling and down-welling hyporheic zones of a groundwater fed stream. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 162 Helen Rutlidge, Martin S Andersen, Stefan M Eberhard, Landon Halloran, Beth Neilsen, Gabriel Rau, Calvin Li, Afrida Salma, Junsong Chen, Cecil Moll, Cassandra Murphy, Andy Baker Conference presentations 2015
The groundwater games: modelling cooperation in groundwater basins using agent-based models. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 166 Juan Carlos Castilla-Rho, Mariethoz, G, Rojas, R, Holley, C, Andersen, M5, Kelly, BFJ Conference presentations 2015
Characterising Groundwater Recharge from Cave Terrestrial Lidar and Drip Water Analysis. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 169 Kashif Mahmud, Dr. Gregoire Mariethoz, Professor Andy Baker, Dr. Pauline C. Treble, Ms Monika Markowska and Ms Liz McGuire Conference presentations 2015
Cave stalagmites as records of past recharge frequency in semi-arid Australia. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 170 Monika Markowska, Andy Baker, Martin S. Andersen, Helen Rutlidge, Catherine, N. Jex, Mark O. Cuthbert, Gabriel C. Rau, Lewis Adler, Peter W. Graham, Gregoire Mariethoz, Christopher E. Marjo, Pauline C. Treble Conference presentations 2015
What controls the cave drip water temperature? Analysis and implications for paleoclimate reconstruction from speleothems. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 171 Gabriel C. Raul, Mark O. Cuthbert, Martin S. Andersen, Andy Baker, Helen Rutlidge, Monika Markowska, Hamid Roshan, Christopher E. Marjo, Peter W. Graham, R. Ian Acworth Conference presentations 2015
Important role of porewater stable isotope analysis in investigations of low permeability strata, Sydney Basin. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 192 Katarina David, Dr Wendy Timms, Andy Baker Conference presentations 2015
The vertical permeability of the Leederville Formation and South Perth Shale – New insights from centrifuge testing in Perth, WA. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 193 Doug Anderson Conference presentations 2015
Assessing connectivity between an aquifer and coal seam gas production using water geochemistry and methane isotopes. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 197 Charlotte Iverach, Dioni I. Cendon, Stuart I. Hankin, Dave Lowry, Rebecca E. Fisher, James L. France, Euan G. Nisbet, Andy Baker, Bryce F.J. Kelly Conference presentations 2015
Caves: observatories of Australia’s diffuse groundwater recharge history. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 204 Andy Baker, Pauline Treble, Martin Andersen, Monika Markowska, Katie Coleborn, Ingrid Flemons, Kempsey Speleological Society Conference presentations 2015
Statistical assessment of chemical and hydraulic trends in groundwater of the Mooki River alluvium. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 228 Scott B. Cook, Wendy Timms, Bryce F.J. Kelly, Ross S. Brodie Conference presentations 2015
