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An isotopic and modelling study of flow paths and storage in Quaternary calcarenite, SW Australia: implications for speleothem paleoclimate records. Quaternary Science Reviews, 64, 90-103 Treble, P.C., Bradley, C., Wood, A, Baker, A., Jex, C.N., Fairchild, I.J., Gagan, M.K., Cowley, J., Azcurra, C. Technical journals & books 2013
Implications of 3D geological architecture for surface-groundwater connectivity in the Mooki catchment. NSW IAH Symposium 2011: Hydrogeology in NSW - the Challenge of Uncertainty, Dockside, Sydney, Australia, 5-6 September. Timms, WA., Kelly, BFJ ,Blakers, R, Farley, C, Regmi, G, Larsen, J & Bowling, A Conference presentations 2011
Leading practices for assessing the integrity of confining strata: application to mining and coal-seam gas extraction. International Mine Water Association Conference, Bunbury, West Australia, 30 September - 4 October 2012. Timms, WA., Acworth, I, Hartland, A., & Laurence, D. Conference presentations 2012
The ups and downs of groundwater in the Murray-Darling Basin. Inland Rivers Network News, Summer 2011, page 5. Timms, WA. General articles in popular publications 2011
Implications of deep drainage through saline clay for groundwater recharge and sustainable cropping in a semi-arid catchment. Australia, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. Vol. 16, p. 1203 – 1219 Timms, WA, Young, R & Huth, N Technical journals & books 2012
Implications of deep drainage through saline clay for groundwater recharge and sustainable cropping in a semi-arid catchment, Australia. Hydrological and Earth Systems Science Discuss (8), pp 10053-10093. Timms, WA, Young, R & Huth, N Technical journals & books 2011
Centrifuge permeameter testing, cores, bores and geophysics for characterising aquitards and leaks. Groundwater 2010, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 31 October - 4 November 2010. Timms, WA, Whelan, M, Greve, AK & Acworth, RI Conference presentations 2010
Hydraulic Conductivity Testing of Drill Core - Broken Hill MAR . WRL Technical Report Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW Timms, WA, Ruprecht, J & Greve, A K Technical reports 2012
Hydraulic Conductivity Testing of Drill Core - Surat Basin. WRL Technical Report Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW Timms, WA, Rahman, PF, McGeeney, DE & Whelan, M Technical reports 2012
Hydraulic Conductivity Testing of Drill Core - Stuart Shale . WRL Technical Report Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNSW Timms, WA, Rahman, PF & Hartland, A Technical reports 2012
