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The direct sampling method to perform multiple-point geostatistical simulations. Water Resources Research no 46, Article number W11536 Mariethoz, G, Renard, P, & Straubhaar, J. Technical journals & books 2010
The direct sampling method to perform multivariate multiple-points geostatistical simulations. geoENV10 , Gent, Belgium, 13-15 September 2010. Mariethoz, G, Renard, P, & Straubhaar, J Conference presentations 2010
The effect of non-uniform flow in homogeneous sediment on velocity quantification using heat as a tracer. American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA, USA Dec. 2-7, 2012 Rau, GC, Andersen, MS & Acworth, RI Conference presentations 2012
The effect of visitors in a touristic cave and the resulting constraints on natural thermal conditions for palaeoclimate studies (Eagle Cave, central Spain). ACTA Carsologica vol 39, pp. 491 - 502. Dominguez-Villar, D, Fairchild, IJ, Carrasco, R, Pedraza, J, Baker, A & et al Technical journals & books 2010
The effects of tides and waves on water-table elevations in coastal zones. Hydrogeology Journal, v. 4, No. 2, pp51-69. DOI 10.1007/s100400050090. Turner, I. L., Coates, B. P. & Acworth I. Technical journals & books 1996
The electrical image method compared with resistivity sounding and electromagnetic profiling for investigation in areas of complex geology - A case study from groundwater investigation in a weathered crystalline rock environment. Exploration Geophysics, 32, 119-128. DOI 10.1071/EG01119. Acworth, R. I. Technical journals & books 2001
The fate of groundwater nitrate in the coastal zone. Proceedings of the XXXV IAH Congress "Groundwater and Ecosystems", Lisbon. September, 2007. Postma D., Andersen M.S. & Jakobsen R. Conference presentations 2007
The Future of Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance. In Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance Gray J., C. Holley and R. Rayfuse (eds.) pp. 303-315. London, Routledge Gray, J., C. Holley and R. Rayfuse Technical journals & books 2016
The groundwater games: modelling cooperation in groundwater basins using agent-based models. Australian Groundwater Conference 2015 Abstracts, 166 Juan Carlos Castilla-Rho, Mariethoz, G, Rojas, R, Holley, C, Andersen, M5, Kelly, BFJ Conference presentations 2015
The hydrochemistry of groundwater in fractured rock aquifers beneath dryland salinity occurrences at Yass, NSW. AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, 14, p. 279-285. Jankowski, J. & Acworth, R. I. Technical journals & books 1993
