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Mt. Chambers Creek alluvial fan - a recorder for Late Quaternary flow regime changes along the eastern Flinders Ranges (South Australia). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU General Assembly 2010. May, JH, Larsen, JR, Cohen, TC & Nanson, GC Conference presentations 2010
Investigation of surface water-groundwater interactions and temporal variability of streambed hydraulic conductivity using streambed temperature data. 38th IAH Congress, Krakow, Poland, 12-17 September, 2010. McCallum, A, Andersen, MS, Rau, GC, & Acworth, RI Conference presentations 2010
Quantifying the value of laminated stalagmites for Paleoclimate reconstructions. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, California, USA. 5-9 December. Baker, A,Kelly, BFJ & Mariethoz Gregoire Conference presentations 2011
Investigation of δ18O and δ2H in the Namoi River catchment surface water/groundwater interactions.' (Science Excellence Award). 15th Australian Cotton Conference , Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, August 10-12, 2010. Andersen, MS, Meredith, K, Timms, WA, & Acworth, RI Conference presentations 2010
Understanding Hydrological Flow in Karst to Improve Paleoclimate Modelling of Speleothems in SE Australia. Poster Presentation. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, 2012 Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia, 31st January - 3rd February 2012. Markowska, M, Treble, P, Baker, A, Jex, C, Andersen, MS & Graham, P Conference presentations 2012
Characterisation of hydraulic properties of clay aquitards in the Namoi Catchment. Poster presentation. 11th Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference & 4th Australasian Hydrogeology Research Conference, Cairns, Australia, 12-14 July 2011. Regmi G, Timms WA, Acworth RI, Whelan M & McDonell M Conference presentations 2011
Groundwater in Cotton Growing Regions: Recent Insights and Future Research. 15th Australian Cotton Conference, Gold Coast Convention Centre, QLD, Australia, August 10, 2010. Kelly, BFJ, Andersen, M, Timms, W, Giambastiani, B, McCallum, A. and Acworth, I. Conference presentations 2010
Investigation of δ18O and δ2H in the Namoi River catchment - surface water/groundwater interactions. (Awarded Best Poster). NSW IAH Symposium 2011: Hydrogeology in NSW - the Challenge of Uncertainty. Dockside, Sydney, Australia, 5-6 September. Andersen, MS, Meredith, K, Timms, WA & Acworth, RI Conference presentations 2011
Is thermal dispersivity significant for the use of heat as a tracer in sediments?. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, California, USA. 5-9 December. Rau, GC, Andersen, MS, & Acworth, RI Conference presentations 2011
Aquitard hydrology. A component of NCGRT Summer School, Adelaide, 30th November, 2011. Timms, WA Conference presentations 2011
